
SubSpace Energy Hub participated in World Systemic Forum 2023 Roundtable

SubSpace Energy Hub was honored to participate in the World Systemic Forum 2023 Roundtable on “Energy” and “Storage”, which are 2 of the main pillars of our mission in reducing the carbon footprint on energy production and storage. This year the roundtable was organized at Hagerbach Test Gallery (VersuchsStollen Hagerbach AG), the Gallery where SubSpace Energy Hub was created, in Flums, Switzerland.

International leading experts discussed the current energy market state, the technological progress, scaling-up and implementation of new products and solutions, and existing challenges and barriers faced in the energy and storage environment. These issues perfectly align with the workstreams and focus areas on which SubSpace Energy Hub has focused its work, and we are delighted to have been present and contributed to this historic momentum in energy policy and the energy sector. The summary of this roundtable will be presented at the World Economic Forum 2023.

We try to do what we can about an energy change for the underground construction sector at the SubSpace Energy Hub.