The prestigious british magazine, The Sun has written about the Hagerbach Test Gallery (VersuchsStollen Hagerbach AG), the facility where SubSpace Energy Hub is implemented, as the safe location where the Global Knowledge Vault is saved, a project of Arch Mission Foundation, which consists in the storage of a 5D quartz silica glass which contains all the Wikipedia ans Rosetta Project archive of all languages. This will serve as a back up of all global knowledge in case of any threat of our current civilization.
The SubSpace Energy Hub Roundtable Discussion: BEV Fire Safety in Tunnel Construction has been featured on the Tunnelling Journal December-January issue! Read the full article for better insights on what were considered the: Advantages, Major hurdles, Available solutions and Positive outlooks, on the adaptation of BEVs in Tunnel Construction. (Pg35-36) Thank you Kristina Smith and Tunnelling Journal for bringing such a dynamic discussion to light, and we look forward to the next Roundtable discussion planned in Spring 2024 with a focus on economical aspect of such a transition.
It's a great pleasure for the SubSpace Energy Hub to have been featured and introduced on the newest article of Byggeindustrien, and to have a dedicated space describing the collaboration with our partners. Norway is a country that stands in the forefront of the innovation in underground construction and Net-zero energy solutions, and we are happy to keep expanding our activities and collaboration in their market. For Norwegian speakers, check out the article to learn more..
We are thrilled to have our space in the Tunnelling Journal's edition this time, where we have shared insights from the leaders of the SubSpace Energy Hub.
Xerotech to test underground mine electrification limits as part of SUBSPACE ENERGY HUB.
Xerotech partner with VSH in creating a new Sub Space Energy Hub for fast tracking underground mining electrification.